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hcg details,protocols - natural hormone

What is Hcg?
HCG is a natural hormone produced in the body. It has many functions and is used medically to treat a variety of conditions. It is the pregnancy hormone that the body uses to metabolize fat and generate energy.  For weight loss, we use only a very small amount of HCG to capitalize on this same mechanism. So it is much more than an appetite suppressant.

What kind of exercise is best?
Gentle exercise is recommended for anyone following the HCG diet. At least fifteen minutes of gentle exercise per day will help your weight loss as well as increasing strength and flexibility. Try low impact exercises such as swimming, yoga, gentle cycling or walking or a glider!

What kinds of supplements are needed?
You will most likely need calcium, Super B Complex, Potassium and Vitamin B12 in addition to the apple cider vinegar – you will take one tablespoon three times a day. Use as your vinegar of choice in salads and cooking. This stimulates the metabolism and cleansing of the internal organs. It is also very powerful in helping release stored fat cells.

Will I feel any hunger?
People usually do not get hungry, however, if you do you can start taking a whole food vitamin and mineral complex.

Does Dr. Oz recommend this Hcg diet?
The diet has been improved to allow 800 calories and injections are the only thing recommended!

HCG Diet Injections

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